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Shamanic Meditations: Guided Journeys for Insight, Vision, and Healing

The first meditators in history were the shamans, whose practices for contemplation and connecting with the divine are echoed in virtually every spiritual tradition today. On Shamanic Meditations, Sandra Ingerman invites you to return to the source of human spirituality–and experience for yourself the enduring power of these ancient practices for healing, guidance, and awakening. With seven guided meditations called “journeys” in the shamanic tradition–from a renowned author and teacher, this two-hour program features an overview of shamanic principles, guided practices for finding your “spirit teachers” and “power animals,” the shamanic initiation into oneness, and more.

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Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux, the Premier Edition

The famous life story of the Lakota healer and visionary, Nicholas Black Elk.

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The Way of the Shaman

The phenomenal bestseller, with more than 500,000 copies sold worldwide, now with a new epilogue from the author–The Chalice and the Blade has inspired a generation of women and men to envision a truly egalitarian society by exploring the legacy of the peaceful, goddess-worshipping cultures from our prehistoric past.

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